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Activity provider information

Become an Activity Provider
Activity Provider portal

Organisations eligible to be an Approved Activity Provider

To be an Approved Activity Provider, all organisations must meet the following criteria:

  • have appropriate processes in place to ensure compliance with the Working with Vulnerable People 2013 Act; and
  • complete the Ticket to Play Child Safety Survey and provide any relevant evidence/documentation requested by Active Tasmania; and
  • confirm its intention to comply with the Tasmanian Child and Youth Safe Organisation Framework when its formally implemented.

There are two tiers of Activity Providers.

Tier 1

To be assessed as a Tier 1 Approved Activity Provider, in addition to the above:

In addition to the above

Sporting clubs must be:

  • incorporated, not-for-profit entities;
  • a provider of a sport recognised by Australian Sports Commission; and
  • affiliated to the relevant state or national sporting organisation.

Scouts, Guides and Cadet providers must be:

  • Incorporated, not-for-profit entities; and
  • Affiliated to the relevant state or national scout, guides or cadet organisation.

Learn to Swim providers must:

  • provide a copy of their current Public Liability and Professional Indemnity Insurance certificate; and
  • provide a list of instructors along with the qualification and registration to work with vulnerable people status.

Dance providers must:

  • provide a copy of their current Public Liability;
  • confirm they have a current Child Safe Policy or Statement of Commitment to Child Safety; and
  • provide a list of instructors along with the qualification and Registration to work with vulnerable people status.

Tier 2

Where there is no recognised State body for a recognised sport or active recreation activity, an organisation may be assessed as a Tier 2 Approved Activity Provider.

If there is no recognised state sporting organisation/association for a recognised sport in Tasmania, a not-forprofit or for-profit provider can apply to be an Approved Activity Provider where they meet certain requirements, these include:

  • hold an ABN or be incorporated, if a business
  • have appropriate child safety policies and processes
  • provide a program with a minimum 6 weeks of activity.

Private sports providers (for-profit businesses) must be:

  • a registered business
  • be affiliated or have an agreement with a recognised State or National Sporting Organisation or association for a sport or active recreation activity that the business provides.

Multi-Sport Providers

Multi Sport providers are encouraged to contact Ticket to Play prior to applying at or 1800 252 476.

Multi-Sport Providers must provide the following additional information for assessment to become an Approved Activity Provider:

  • General information about the sport/s and/or active recreation programs the business delivers, and structure of delivery.
  • Affiliation, endorsement or agreement from the relevant State or National sporting organisation
  • If the organisation provides a ‘feeder’ program, that is, where participants learn basic skills and then move into competition a sporting club, evidence of programs’ association with local club/s or organisations must be provided
  • Presence in the community (eg: number of children participating, sites across Tasmania, types of programs offered, etc).

Sports types not recognised by the Australian Sports Commission: If an organisation is providing a sport that is not recognised by the Australian Sports Commission, advice should be sought from Active Tasmania.

If you can’t find your club on the participating clubs page, contact us at
or on 1800 252 476.

Application process – to become an AAP

Activity Providers who meet Tier 1 of the eligibility criteria can apply to become an Approved Activity Provider via the Ticket to Play website at and clicking through the application form at ‘Become an Activity Provider.

Tier 2 Activity Providers, or those that do not meet the eligibility criteria, should contact Ticket to Play at or by calling 1800 252 476.

Important dates

Ticket to Play voucher applications will close at 5.00pm on 30 May 2025.

Vouchers must be presented to an Approved Activity Provider by 6 June 2025.

Voucher redemption for Approved Activity Providers will close at 5.00pm on 13 June 2025.

Use of Ticket to Play vouchers

The vouchers can be used for membership and/or registration fees with Approved Activity Providers.

Vouchers cannot be used for:

  • individual equipment items or uniforms;
  • court fees or match day fees;
  • gym membership or classes run by a private gym;
  • travel to and from activities;
  • programs that run for less than six weeks; or
  • activities that are part of the school curriculum or school-run competitions, including weekend inter-school sport competitions or activities.

For each voucher presented, the Approved Activity Provider will reduce the participant’s membership fee by up to $100 at the time of registration.

If the full membership fee is less than $100, a voucher can only be used for this amount. For example, if membership costs $80 one voucher will cover the whole amount. The remaining $20 will not be returned to the activity provider or the participant and cannot be used at another activity provider.

If the membership fee is more than $100, the participant will need to pay the rest out of pocket or use a second voucher for the remaining amount. For example, if the full membership costs $150, the voucher will cover $100 and the participant will pay $50 out of pocket or use their second voucher.

If you are redeeming two vouchers for one child, the vouchers will cover membership fees up to $200. For example, if membership costs $150, the vouchers will cover $150. If membership costs $250, the vouchers will cover $200 and the participant will pay $50.

Voucher redemption

Each Approved Activity Provider will nominate a person responsible for redeeming Ticket to Play vouchers. The person responsible for voucher redemption will receive an email with a link to their club’s redemption website, login details and redemption instructions.

Redeemed fees should be paid into the bank account provided within ten business days of redeeming a voucher.